Dean Hassall Consulting
Pty Ltd

venue management + operations

New Perth Stadium Development
Perth, Western Australia

Western Australian Government (Strategic Projects, Department of Treasury)
Engaged as sub-consultant to PPP project specialists RixStewart, Dean Hassall provided input into a Facility Management Advisory Services contract relating to the new Perth Stadium (now known as Optus Stadium)
2012 - 2014
Dean Hassall
Now named Optus Stadium, the multi-purpose venue was part of a $900 million development.
The Stadium is designed to host a variety of sports and entertainment events including Australian Football League, International and Big Bash League cricket, soccer, rugby league and union plus concerts and entertainment spectaculars performed by national and international touring acts.
The Western Australian Government engaged PPP project specialists RixStewart as the ‘Consultant’ with Dean Hassall engaged by RixStewart in the sub-consultant role of facility and event management and operations adviser.
Dean Hassall’s independent venue and event management advice and depth of experience procuring and managing services within a major venues environment provided an important complement to RixStewart's PPP experience.
Dean was also a member of the ‘Services’ sub-panel evaluation team for review of bid respondents’ proposals, including 'top-level' evaluation of Design criteria components in bids in areas of major stadia and public facility operations and management.
Review, research, response, comment and input into a range of matters including:
event support services costings
turf management budget
seat plan
seating bowl drainage issues
definition and groupings for fit-out, and furniture fixtures and equipment
"pitch" issues, pitch management and turf management
stadia maintenance cost estimates
stadia parking
operational design efficiencies
Input into various working papers including:
stadium fault classifications
cleaning, ticket box configurations
Interface Agreement
hirer damage benchmarks and amounts
fire engineering resource
turf replacement
corporate areas
venue booking system
energy benchmarking, energy consumption
Detailed evaluation of Request for Proposal (RFP) design components and production of design evaluation report
Detailed input into services specifications, KPIs, and evaluation of RFP services specifications
Development and review of RFP clarification questions
Participation in consortium (proponent) tender/bid presentations
General support and advice as required from time to time as a sub-consultant to RixStewart, in respect of a facilities management services and scope specification; and tender evaluation
Member of the Services sub-panel evaluation team for review of bid respondents’ proposals, including 'top-level' evaluation of Design criteria components in bids
Provision of general support and advice as required from time to time in respect of a facilities management services and scope specification